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July 18, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present:     Leonard Anderson; Nancy Rocheleau; Anthony Costello; Kenneth Strom

Members Absent:      Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Michael Scott

Staff Present:             Pamela Harding; Robert Hallen

Others: Brenda Prachniak, Jim Riordan, Clea Blair Jr., Norm Saderberg, Joyce Saderberg,
Karen Leonard, Dan Hazen, George Kiristy, Scott Morrison, Stephen Mirick, Louis Tella,
Anker Nielsen, Sarah Kelly, Jane Zottoli, Art Allen

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

Notice of Intent - AJ Lane 27 & 43 Winter Hill Rd. - Scott Morrison, and Steve Mirick updated the Commission.  Revised plans with the correct existing grades were previously submitted to the Commission.  A proposed plan was presented for the planting of twelve trees in the grading area.  They will be planted either April 15 through June, or September 1 through November 15 which is a normal growing season when irrigation is not needed.

It was requested by Rob Lowell (not present), that a wood pile be removed from the buffer zone prior to the start of work.  N. Rocheleau made a motion to close the public hearing, L. Anderson seconded; all were in favor.

Notice of Intent - Stony Brook Estates 290 Reservoir St. - Art Allen of Eco Tec conducted a review of the NOI application, and comments included questions regarding the delineation of the high watermark of the perennial stream as well as the 100' and 200' buffer zones.  Graves Engineering has just begun reviewing the project.  Continued to the Sept 5th meeting.

Extension of Order of Conditions - Stone Ridge Estates - Springwood Development  Requested a two-year extension to allow for sewer tie-ins.  K. Strom made a motion to grant the extension N. Rocheleau seconded.  All in favor.

Extension of Order of Conditions - Anker Neilsen - 410 Bailey Rd - for the treatment of vegetation.  The current treatment is working very well.  Extension is granted for two more years to July 18, 2009.  A. Costello made a motion to grant the extension, N. Rocheleau seconded. All in favor.

Certificate of Compliance - 60 Dorothy Ave. - P. Harding conducted a site visit.  Additional trees and boulders were placed at the buffer zone as requested.  L. Anderson motioned to approve.  N. Rocheleau seconded.  All in favor pending Rob Lowell's final approval.

N. Rocheleau made a motion to approve the 6/6/07 minutes, K. Strom seconded, all in favor.

The Commission requested lot owners abutting 93 Winfield St. be sent a letter reminding the resource areas are located in the rear of their property.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2007.